(855) 560-0088


Efficiently Manage and Grow Your Multi-Location Repair Business

AutoLeap is designed to scale and grow alongside your repair business. Adding new locations, users, warehouses and cash registers has never been easier.

With AutoLeap, Shops Have Experienced

Explore Our Multi-Location Repair Shop Software Features

  • Link multiple warehouses to support stock and inventory tracking for all shop locations.
  • Inventory levels monitored and marked red as they run low. Order parts for repair orders through AutoLeap.
  • Consolidate operational data across all locations in one dashboard for easier access.
  • Filter and analyze shop performance across different locations and access reports to uncover insights that can help you make better business decisions.
  • Connect all locations to a single QuickBooks Online (QBO) account for streamlined accounting management.
  • Keep track of transactional data, such as repair orders, invoices, and payments, on a location-specific basis.
  • Manage access for all your staff across multiple locations with ease.
  • Set user permissions and roles for each location to have precise control over your business.
  • Share, access and manage customer, fleet and vehicle data across all locations with cloud storage and real-time sync.
  • View consolidated customer information for any location from any location.

Explore More Features

AutoLeap offers management tools and automation that can help you save man-hours, boost productivity, improve customer experience, and keep your staff on the same page.

Our Partner Integrations

Customer Success Stories

Thousands of shops have partnered with AutoLeap to make their customers happier, their shop more profitable, and their life easier.

Shops Love us

An average of 4.9 stars out of 5.0 based on 2000+ ratings

Grow With the #1 Multi-Location Auto Repair Software

AutoLeap is the leading all-in-one auto repair software that helps you supercharge your shop.
Win repeat business
Attract new customers
Boost technician productivity by 20+ hours / week
Save 10+ hours of paperwork every week

    Want to See Our Software in Action?

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